A few weekends ago when my girlfriend and her husband were visiting with us I had one of those “light bulb” moments. The guys were engaged in guy talk and we were, of course, having some girl talk and catching up with one another. My light bulb moment occurred when my girl friend was telling me about a ministry, (mercyministries.org), that their church was sponsoring. That’s when it hit me, I said to myself ‘that’s it’ a Blog dedicated to .orgs! Since I have been a .org junkie for quite some time this was a perfect idea for me to pursue. I have been keeping a list of .orgs and from time to time I have included various organizations in my Blog postings. Starting a new Blog dedicated to bringing awareness to others about organizations that were helping people in need would definitely satisfy my inner desire to let people know about these organizations.
The debut of my new Blog dedicated to .orgs will be coming soon. I will start by introducing to you Mercy Ministries. I am thankful for my light bulb moment that God has given to me. I pray that this .org Blog will inspire others to give, to write, to pray and to do something. We are living in difficult times and there are many people in need and the time to act is now.
Since 1983, Mercy Ministries of America has provided hope and healing to generations of desperate young women who are seeking freedom from life-controlling issues such as: physical and sexual abuse including sex trafficking, eating disorders, self harm, drug and alcohol addictions, depression and unplanned pregnancy.
Please logon to Mercy Ministries for the full organization profile:
Mercy Ministries:
Also check out the Mercy Ministries YouTube Video:
Mercy Minister Founder Nancy Alcorn's Blog:
To those of you, who can give, then give
To those of you who can pray, then pray
To those of you, who can write, then write.
But please do something!
All Other Photos: Courtesy of Family Archives
Trish Nicholas Photography @ www.wix.com/TrishN/Trish-Nicholas-Photography
Also please feel free to contact me with any inquiries regarding commercial use of my photographs.
To Purchase Photographs: Courtesy of Redbubble @ http://www.redbubble.com/people/tmeian
My sixth installment about my Photography Journey on HubPages @ http://phototljn7.hubpages.com/hub/Photography-Blog
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