Friday, December 19, 2008

Stress, Frustration, and Anger

The reports about the state of our economy seem bleaker and bleaker every day with little hope in sight. Be it big businesses or small businesses, construction, housing, auto, retail, hotel, casino, travel you name it, unfortunately the list can go on and on… everyone is effected. And the countless heartbreak stories of this “recession” can go on and on as well. People are becoming extremely frustrated and angry about the state of affairs in this country and abroad, which brings me to an experience that took place several weeks ago.

Before we could even get into a store to do some Christmas shopping, we had a guy who was already parked in a parking space blow his horn at us as we were pulling into another space. We could not figure out why he had blown his horn at us? I then notice that this guy pulled out of his space, which was two spaces away from us and pulled directly behind our vehicle. He then proceeded to get out of his vehicle and approach the driver’s side of our vehicle. LJN put the window down and the guy said “I was parked in a reserved space and I had been waiting for that car to pull out”… WHO KNEW! I heard LJN reply “hey if you want this space I can move, there are plenty of other spaces here." Other people have not been so blessed to have an ending such as this. They have become the story on the evening news, victims of someone’s anger over a mere parking space.

People, please find some other way to reduce the amount of stress, frustration and anger in your life. Ever think about volunteering some of your time at a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, or after school program, or coming up with a way to help someone in need, be it food, clothing, or shelter. I recently heard a story on the news of a woman who hung Christmas wishes from needy children on a Christmas tree outside of her home. People in the neighborhood and surrounding area would come by and take a wish off of the tree and commit to fulfill that particular child’s wish. What a really good idea... I wish I had come up with that one. See what a little thinking can do to help someone else. And whether you realize it or not you are also helping to take your mind off of your problems and the current stresses that we all have been feeling and experiencing lately.

Trust me getting involved outside of your world will make all those little things seem like just that, very small and inconsequential.


I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” Maya Angelou

Photo Poinsettia Light

by LJN @ Through the Viewfinder

Photo of Grandson behind the Christmas Tree

by LJN * Courtesy of LJN Archives

Photo Snow Star

by Trish @ Through the Viewfinder

Give – to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation.

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