Friday, January 22, 2010

Slow down, slowing down…

First let me start off by saying Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! I had a few things to say in Nov and Dec but somehow I never quite found the time to post my thoughts. And now I can’t believe that the month of January 2010 is almost over. Time seems to be marching on at such a rapid pace. I find myself on the brink of another month and I can hear myself saying what happen to January. It is definitely time for me to slow down.

Slow down, slowing down a bit what does that actually mean and for some people what does that look like, what visions do they conger up in their mind… sitting on a tropical beach and sipping exotic drinks, sun bathing on the deck of a cruise ship, or sitting by a warm fire in a cabin reading a book. I venture to say that if I had conducted a random street survey and asked this question I could have received any one of those answers and more.

The question that I propose is how do we learn to slow down in our daily day to day living? Do we stumble upon the answer when a major illness hits us? Unfortunately for some of us the answer is YES. And then and only then we finally realize that we need to slow down. Yes we all have our day to day routine of getting up and going to work, having breakfast, lunch and dinner, the occasional doctor appointments, social activities and special events. I know that it is vitally important to safeguard myself from allowing my day to day routine define my life, if not this could certainly usher in one month turning into another and wondering if this is all there is to life. I told myself that I needed to start slowing down more, for it truly is ok to take the time to sit down and smell the coffee, to savor the smell of it and the moment spent having it.

Let’s not miss the important parts of our lives, so please slow down. Smell that coffee, gaze at the moon and the stars once in awhile with that special someone, spread your tentacles beyond your day to day world and live. Flood your senses with life which is all around you. Don’t let the day to day routine rob you of really living life.


It is only in exceptional moods that we realize how wonderful are the commonest experiences of life. It seems to me sometimes that these experiences have an "inner" side, as well as the outer side we normally perceive. At such moments one suddenly sees everything with new eyes; one feels on the brink of some great revelation. It is as if we caught a glimpse of some incredibly beautiful world that lies silently about us all the time. -J.W.N. Sullivan
Help the People of Haiti

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